Secure your office. When leaving, lock the door.
Password-protect your screen saver in trafficked or insecure areas.
- Keep floppy disks and other media containing confidential information in a safe place.
- Keep data backed-up, and store it elsewhere such as a different building or location if possible.
- Verify the contents of any e-mail attachment before opening with the sender and never open attachments from unknown persons.
- Change passwords at least once a month.
- When choosing a password, include numbers, special characters such as @ % $ and +, and a combination of upper and lowercase letters in passwords, whenever possible e.g., $tr!Ng.
- Never pick a password made of personal or traceable information. For example, the brand of your keyboard and your dog's name are poor passwords.
- Keep any paper records of passwords in a secure place.
- Close applications when away from your computer and log out.