Last Updated: 26-August-2011; 13:04 IST
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CYBER COPS, INDIA is launched in Indian Cyberspace. CYBER COPS INDIA considers cyberspace as countries’ life-blood and envisages security by introducing unique, innovative and a revolutionary Validy Technology solution, for the first time in Indian Cyberspace, through Licensing Validy SoftNaos for Java against Cyber Piracy and Cyber Sabotage of Computer Systems. For more updated details, please visit:
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Please refrain from posting your & your family's photograph (especially females) on the Internet (esp. on Social Networking websites) as it is recently observed that these photographs are found to be used in the Pornographic websites/forums. If someone still want to post his/her photograph, then don't upload anything more than the face (esp. females).
[Issued in Public Interest by MASTER OF EARTH]
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